Calming the nervous system naturally!

Taking a few deep breaths in and slowly allowing the air to expel is a natural way to calm the nervous system. The process of breathing can allow stress to be relieved and emphasize the connection of mind, body, and spirit to the universal life force energy; balance and harmony are then more easily acquired.  By using this technique several times throughout your day it can become an easy part of your healing process, promoting calm interludes throughout the day. 

              Uniting Healing & Breathing to bring Peace in your Day!

Perhaps not surprisingly, holistic breathing practices are part of the ancient wisdom of one’s spiritual connections to the healing process itself, as well as the connections of mind, body, spirit, and the environment.  The word ‘spirit’ comes from the Latin word: spiritius,” it means breath, and healing, and is understood to be available as a way to unite healing and breathing.

You promote healing by learning the many natural holistic techniques that are available.

Increasing awareness of your  connection to breathing and spirituality (or universal energy), and learning to use the lungs and muscles more efficiently, there is further assistance  in your  healing journey.

The rhythmic flow of air brings in the Universal Chi allowing for a quiet healing response to assist the mind, body, and spirit connection. The familiar breathing pattern, which consists of quick short breaths in and out especially when stressed, causes physical tension and then breathing is used improperly. This prevents the balance of nourishing and  life-enhancing movement of oxygen into cells.

Many people need to re-learn the breathing process of infancy by filling the abdomen with air, holding for a second, and then producing a slow, long exhale to allow the stress energy to be removed from the body.

This practice encourages renewed and revitalized Chi Energy, and a full exhalation of the carbon dioxide assists the mind, body, and spirit connection to revitalize energy components for the healing process.

As a bonus the natural breathing process, not the shallow breathing, is what allows for expulsion of toxins and pollutants from your environment including emotional, physical and spiritual pollutants.

By the intentional directing of your breath inward, this supports the healing process, by opening the movement of oxygen and energy to promote vital health to all inner organs.

Breath work

A low-risk free holistic approach to help in the healing and relieving of stress related illnesses and moods of depression is your breathing patterns.

By paying attention to your breathing patterns and making time for you to practice healthier ways of breathing, you  receive freedom from chronic tensions related to the buildup of stress in the body which can become a source for physical, mental, and psychological disorders. Holistic breathing techniques are a vital component of the healing process and help  to live life to the fullest.

After all, where there is life, there is breath.  Dennis Lewis also suggests the natural health technique of natural breathing in his set of cd instructions, Natural Breathing, Teachings and Exercises for Health and Self-Transformation.

Breath & Spirit

Functions of the healthy respiratory system.