Discovering the power of Self through the use of the mind in your journey of healing.

Learn new healthy habits  to take action and make plans for your  future.

To begin your plan  look to the mind, body, spirit, and the environment your are living in today.

To implement natural health and self care uses a holistic view of health and healing for the road to optimum health.

Repairing, Renewing, and Relaxing

To support and empower people on the path to health the use of guided-imagery helps to quiet the chatter of the mind and focus on repairing, renewing, and relaxing. Martin L. Rossman, MD has been helping people in this area since 1982 and became the founder of

By going within and using the mind to access the Inner Healer of Wisdom it is possible to heal from within.

Learn to relax, to discover the healing place within, and to obtain helpful hints to promote your healing.

The overly busy life styles of today do not allow one to automatically take time to relax and recharge. You need to ‘make a plan’  in your day for this important natural method.  To learn this technique begin with a small amount of private time  to stop and listen to the easy direction of  Andrew Weil, MD & Martin L. Rossman MD  in Self-Healing with Guided Imagery, How to Use The Power of Your Mind to Heal Your Body, a set of cds to help learn this process.

Healing from Within

The mind-body connection is able to assist to slow down and take a few moments a day to know the importance of quiet reflexive time, to be able to take the time to communicate with your cells to begin to repair and restore optimum health.  This holistic approach, in one’s healing journey, allows health promotion not disease promotion.

Helping to relieve chronic pain and relieve anxiety and stress is what learning guided imagery can do for everyone.

The mind-body connection in self-care is a simple way to begin your new life style of healing from within.